Über die Quelle

Energy Monitor Worldwide is a subscription based publication covering energy news and developments from worldwide jurisdictions. Energy Monitor Worldwide covers the petroleum industry, including oil companies, petroleum refiners, fuel transport and end-user sales at gas stations; the gas industry, including natural gas extraction and coal gas manufacture, as well as distribution and sales; the electrical power industry, including electricity generation, electric power distribution and sales; the coal industry; the nuclear power industry; and the renewable energy industry, comprising alternative energy and sustainable energy companies, including those involved in hydroelectric power, wind power, and solar power generation, plus the manufacture, distribution and sale of alternative fuels. Energy Monitor Worldwide is updated daily and draws on information from worldwide energy publications, as well as reliable press, internet and news agency sources worldwide, always quoting and accrediting the original information source within its reporting. The rapid transcription, collation and distribution of this information makes Energy Monitor Worldwide a highly valuable resource for energy news.
Global Data Point Ltd.
Provided by SyndiGate Media Inc.
Global Data Point Ltd.
Provided by SyndiGate Media Inc.