Über die Quelle

Applied Linguistics Review (ALR) is a peer-reviewed journal that aims to serve as a testing ground for the articulation of original ideas and approaches in the study of real-world issues in which language plays a crucial role, by bringing together critical reflections of current debates and new theoretical and empirical research. The issues dealt with in ALR range from aspects of the linguistic and communicative competence of the individual such as bilingualism and multilingualism, first or second language acquisition, literacy, language disorders, to language and communication related problems in and between societies such as linguistic discrimination, language conflict, communication in the workplace, language policy and language planning, and language ideology. Articles that not only report new research findings but also engage in philosophical and methodological debates and point to directions of future research are particularly welcome.
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D-10785 Berlin / Germany
Tel: +49 30 260 05-0
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Walter de Gruyter GmbH
Genthiner Straße 13
D-10785 Berlin / Germany
Tel: +49 30 260 05-0
Fax: +49 30 260 05-251