Über die Quelle

Global Media and China is a peer-reviewed, open access journal, which provides a dedicated, interdisciplinary forum for research. The journal welcomes articles on all aspects of international research in the field of communication and media studies and has a particular interest in how global media are impacting on, and are in turn being transformed by China, specifically Chinese institutions, industries and audiences. Research on digital platforms, social media and related policy is welcome. Please see the Aims and Scopes tab for further information.
This journal is the official journal of the Communication University of China.
This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
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This journal is the official journal of the Communication University of China.
This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
SAGE Publications Ltd
1 Oliver's Yard
55 City Road
London, EC1Y 1SP
Phone: +44 (0) 20 7 324 8500
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7 324 8600
E-mail: market@sagepub.co.uk