Über die Quelle

The European Journal of Social Security (EJSS) is primarily concerned with developments in social security at the EU level and, on a comparative basis, with developments in different European countries. It adopts a broad definition of social security and, in addition to articles on different forms of income maintenance, it includes articles on demography, inequality, poverty, disability, health and social care, employment, migration, taxation and public expenditure.
EJSS is a highly respected, peer-reviewed journal, which is aimed at academics, researchers, policy makers, and practitioners who are interested in social security in Europe.
This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
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EJSS is a highly respected, peer-reviewed journal, which is aimed at academics, researchers, policy makers, and practitioners who are interested in social security in Europe.
This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
SAGE Publications Ltd
1 Oliver's Yard
55 City Road
London, EC1Y 1SP
Phone: +44 (0) 20 7 324 8500
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7 324 8600
E-mail: market@sagepub.co.uk