Über die Quelle

The British Journal of Politics and International Relations (BJPIR) is an international journal that publishes innovative, cutting edge contemporary scholarship on international relations, comparative politics, public policy, political theory and (especially) politics and policy in the United Kingdom. It is the world’s premier journal for research into British politics.
BJPIR is a fully refereed journal of the Political Studies Association of the UK. It has always sought to reflect and drive the major currents of debate in political science and international relations, both in the UK and internationally. The journal seeks to reflect and respond to the changing real world of politics, by publishing articles that are of contemporary relevance to both the study and practice of politics.Since its inception in 1999, in response to the growing internationalisation of the political studies community in the UK and beyond, the transnationalisation of the political science profession and the globalisation of politics, the journal has welcomed empirically rigorous and theoretically innovative articles on themes and issues that are of such global and scholarly significance that they matter for all states and countries irrespective of geographical location.
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BJPIR is a fully refereed journal of the Political Studies Association of the UK. It has always sought to reflect and drive the major currents of debate in political science and international relations, both in the UK and internationally. The journal seeks to reflect and respond to the changing real world of politics, by publishing articles that are of contemporary relevance to both the study and practice of politics.Since its inception in 1999, in response to the growing internationalisation of the political studies community in the UK and beyond, the transnationalisation of the political science profession and the globalisation of politics, the journal has welcomed empirically rigorous and theoretically innovative articles on themes and issues that are of such global and scholarly significance that they matter for all states and countries irrespective of geographical location.
SAGE Publications Ltd
1 Oliver's Yard
55 City Road
London, EC1Y 1SP
Phone: +44 (0) 20 7 324 8500
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7 324 8600
E-mail: market@sagepub.co.uk